Ian Kerridge
Prof Ian Kerridge
Prof Ian Kerridge is Staff Haematologist/Bone Marrow Transplant physician at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney and Professor of Bioethics and Medicine at Sydney Health Ethics (SHE) at the University of Sydney. He is Chair of the South East Sydney LHD Clinical Ethics Committee, Steering Committee member of the Australian Ethical Health Alliance (AEHA), a Council Member of the Australian and New Zealand Transplant and Cellular Therapies Association (ANZTCT), a member of the NSW Health Ethics Advisory Panel and a Director of Praxis Australia – an Australian NFP devoted to education in research and research ethics. He established the Clinical Unit in Ethics and Health Law at the University of Newcastle in 1995 and was its inaugural Director until 2001 and from 2003-2015 he was Director of SHE. Ian trained in medicine at the University of Newcastle, BMT at the Royal Free Hospital in London and philosophy at the Universities of Sydney, Newcastle and Cambridge. He is the author of 6 textbooks of ethics and over 500 papers on ethics, philosophy, haematology and BMT. His research, which draws together philosophical inquiry and empirical bioethics, focuses on the philosophical, moral and socio-cultural concepts, frameworks and issues that underpin health, health policy, research and biomedicine.His current research in ethics include the impact of commerce on health care, biotechnology and science, prescription drug policy, assistance in dying and end-of-life care, the philosophy and ethics of science, over-diagnosis, conflict-of-interest and organ donation and transplantation.