Jessica Bell
Dr Jessica Bell works at the intersection of law, technology, and health. Jessica’s research considers the legal and governance issues that arise in health and biomedical research and analyses different governance models in this context. Most recently, Jessica was awarded funding from the Data Trusts Initiative for research on ‘data trusts’ for health research (2021-2023).
Jessica joined the Warwick Law School as Assistant Professor in January 2021. Prior to this, Jessica was Research Fellow at the Melbourne Law School (2017-2020) and the HeLEX Centre for Health Law and Emerging Technologies (HeLEX), at the University of Oxford (2014-2017). Jessica received her PhD from the University of Sheffield and MA in Biotechnology, Law and Ethics, and LLB (Hons) from the same Institution. Jessica has held visiting scholarships at the Brocher Foundation, Geneva, the Centre for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society, UC Berkeley, and the Centre of Genomics and Policy, McGill University, Montreal.