Louisa Jorm
Prof. Louisa Jorm
Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Foundation Director, Centre for Big Data Research in Health, University of NSW. Professor Jorm has worked in senior leadership roles in both government and academia, giving her unique opportunities for translational research impacts. She is an international leader in health ‘big data’ research and specifically in applying advanced analytic methods to large-scale routinely collected data, including hospital and medical and pharmaceutical claims data. Her main current research interests are in application of advanced analytics to large scale electronic health data to create real-world evidence about topics including cardiovascular risk prediction, disparities in cardiovascular disease care and outcomes, variation in surgical outcomes and healthcare at end-of-life. She has played a leading role in the establishment of major infrastructure and capacity for ‘big data’ health research in Australia, including the E-Research Institutional Cloud Architecture (ERICA) secure data analysis facility. Professor Jorm has published >200 scientific papers and been awarded >$40 million in research grants. She is a high-profile advocate for more and better use of routinely collected health data for research.